Thursday, December 8, 2011

Sorry sorry

I know, I know it's been a really long time since I've posted. I'm a horrible blogger. But in my defense, I've been really busy with work and the holidays coming up and whatnot. Since my last post I've moved out of my parents home in Cleveland and back to Columbus, Ohio. I was finally hired on permanently at Justice for girls as an assistant print and pattern designer. That means I create the repeating prints that end up on the garments of clothing. This includes polka dots, stripes, animal prints, and a limitless amount of other prints. I was very excited to begin my new career as a textile designer, and I still am. However, working a big girl job has left me very little time to do extracurricular artwork, but I have been finding time to do little seasonal crafts here and there. I may post the crafts I've been working on, or begin a new craft blog altogether. We shall see.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Wedding Invites

Here you are, my very first wedding invitations, with matching rsvp cards and programs. These are for a very good friend of my sister. Congratulations Erin and Jake!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Yay for textiles

My new obsession with creating textiles is unexplained. And unexpected.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Interview with Atrium tomorrow for a graphic design position. Hopefully that goes well. I should hear back from the Classic Toy Company in Cleveland by the end of the week...until then, just crocheting and doing crafty sewing things. Enjoying my time off. For now.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Job searching again

Sooo, for the past five months I've been working as a graphic designer for Justice, making graphics for girls apparel age 7-14. Its kept me pretty busy, so I havent really had any time to post anything. I've been doing random freelance projects on the side, christmas cards, websites, graphics, and wedding invitations. The gig at Justice was only temporary, and unfortunately I'm finished now. So now I get the pleasure of job searching once again. I've had a toy design interview in Cleveland, and I'm scheduled for another graphic design interview in Columbus very soon. Hopefully something will come out of this. I'm feeling pretty optimistic now that I have actual work experience in my field. I will miss everyone at Justice very dearly, but I'm up for a new challenge. In the mean time I will be looking for more freelance projects to do, and visiting my family in Cleveland as often as possible. Wish me luck.